Sunday School – 9:45am
Worship – 11:00am

(843)464-9593 | Email Us

We are located at:
809 Sandy Bluff Rd, Mullins, SC 

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 671, Mullins, SC 29574



Sunday School – 9:45am | Worship – 11:00am
(843)464-9593 | Email Us

We are located at:
809 Sandy Bluff Rd, Mullins, SC 

Our Beliefs

As Christians, we believe the following:

The Bible is the Word of God.  It is eternally true, having been breathed out by God.    God revealed Himself to fallen people through fallen people who were “carried along by the Holy Spirit.”  As such, the Bible is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative in all matters     of faith and practice.

There is only one God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Grace precedes faith.  Because we are all born sinners, we all need a Savior.  If God left us to ourselves, we would choose to run away from Him.  However, in His mercy, God pursues His own, regenerates them, and calls them to Himself.

Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone as He is revealed to us in the Scriptures alone.  To God alone be the glory!

Jesus Christ, the only Redeemer, is the eternal Son of God, who became man in order to live and die for other men.  His death on the cross atoned for the sins of all of those who trust in Him for salvation.  His perfect righteousness is credited to all who put their trust in Him.  He is both God and man in one person forever.  He will return on the last day to judge the Earth and take His people to be with Him forever in glory.

The Church is the body of Christ; therefore, every member is indispensable!  We were created for worship and called by God to gather together on the Lord’s Day for that purpose.  In worship, we are equipped to make a difference for Christ in our community and to serve the Lord in our world as agents of light!

If you would like more information about what we believe, please check out the Westminster Larger Catechism (Q.1-115 & Q.116-196) and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Our denomination also provides a link to the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Our History

Our church began in 1899 as a prayer in a young mother’s heart.  Her desire was for a Presbyterian church to be established in Mullins so that her children could be trained in the Reformed faith.  God answered her prayer through the efforts of her husband, William McGilvery Buck, and his friend, Colin Jennings McCall, who worked hard to see that this dream of a Presbyterian Church in Mullins would become a reality.

Over the last 120 years, the church has grown from just 9 charter members to a fellowship of over 300 people who are trusting Jesus Christ, as Savior, Lord, and Friend … and it’s still growing!

In 1982, under the leadership of Rev. George F. Ganey, Jr., the Mullins Presbyterian Church became a part of the Presbyterian Church in America and continues to strive to hold itself to the PCA ideals of being “faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.”

Meet Our Staff

Jason Brewer
Senior Pastor

Rev.  Jason Brewer, who was born in Marietta, Ga and raised in Saluda, SC., was ordained and installed as our pastor in October of 1997 and has served us for over 25 years.  Jason earned his bachelor’s degree at the University of South Carolina (BA ’92) and his Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC in 1997.  He met his wife, Claudia Anne,  at a church camp where the two served together as camp counselors.  In the fall of 1989, Claudia Anne also enrolled at USC. When Jason discovered that her mailbox was providentially placed right below his, he decided he would start checking his mail several times a day.  Eventually, the two “happened to run into each other,” and the rest is history.  They were married in 1993 and now have one son, Ryan.

Splinter Spivey
Youth Director

Wyatt Spivey
Elementary Director

Sandra Huggins
Choir Director/Pianist

Amanda Sawyer
Preschool Director