Save the Date!

Save the Date!

Sunday, November, 10 – 125th Anniversary Celebration. On this special day, we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of our church. Please plan to be with us as we remember all God has done to demonstrate His faithfulness to us over the years!...
Save the Date!

Save the Date!

September 8, 2004 – Rally Day and Sunday School Promotion Day! Please be on the lookout for more details coming soon!
Sunday Night Small Groups

Sunday Night Small Groups

We are excited to announce two exciting new opportunities to grow your faith. We now offer two small group Bible Studies that meet on Sunday Nights at 5:30. One group, which is led by Drew Jackson, meets in the rear of the sanctuary to study the book of Exodus. The...
Save the Date!

Ladies’ Appreciation Day and Graduate Sunday

Join us on Sunday, May 5 at 11 am as we celebrate Ladies’ Appreciation Day and Graduate Sunday. We will recognize our graduates during the morning worship hour and our ladies during a special family dinner which will be provided by our board of deacons. Grads,...
Weekly Bible Studies

Weekly Bible Studies

Each Wednesday, we encourage our men to attend the Men of Mullins Prayer Breakfast, which meets at Millers Church at 7:30 am for breakfast, prayer, and Bible Study led by Dr. Jim Carter. Also on Wednesday at 3 pm, we encourage our ladies to attend the Ladies Bible...